
Due to our belief in the importance of legal issues as one of the most important factors for the success of companies, we strive to provide professional legal translation in which there is no room for omissions or error for all documents and legal texts, thus seeking leadership in this field.

AL Madina Legal Translation Center provides services for all visual and audio translation and we care about all types of media translation such as: audio, news articles, e-mail, social networking sites and other important topics that require careful attention in this field of translation.

We have great skills in converting media texts from other languages ​​into Arabic and vice versa. Translate text from readable to audible, in order to publish on radio and television, magazines and social networking sites so that to be sent to the community.

Proofreading is the art of reviewing texts written in a language, and ensuring their correctness and integrity in linguistics, grammar and spelling without any modification or alliteration there on.

The context has high importance so we focus on the way to present the text along with the validity and coherence, because the lack of coherence and validity of the text affects the judgment negatively.

We believe that writing is very important so it should be without mistakes. Al Madina Legal Translation Center provides a revised or corrected text without any grammatical, linguistics or spellings mistakes.

AL Madina Legal Translation Center provides attestation services for all type’s documents such as marriage, death, birth certificates and ministry degrees.

We are pioneers in the field of drafting legal contracts, covering our legal drafting services and many fields of writing, issuing contracts, memorandum of association, articles of association partnership agreements, contracts and legal memoranda, writing trade agreements, drafting contracts.

Writing internal regulations and rules. HR regulations and rules drafting, reconciliation agreements.

We have experts who are able to handle different contracts and analyze legal documents.

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